Public satisfaction with NHS plummets to lowest levels since 1997

While faith in the founding principles of the NHS remains, public satisfaction with the service has fallen to its lowest levels since the year Tony Blair first entered Downing Street.

This is according to analysis of the 2021 British Social Attitudes survey (BSA) published today by The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust.

The survey, carried out by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in September and October 2021, finds that public satisfaction with how the NHS runs has fallen sharply to 36% – an unprecedented drop of 17 percentage points from 2020 and the lowest level of satisfaction recorded since 1997. Record falls in satisfaction were also witnessed across all individual NHS services, including GP and hospital services.

Decline in satisfaction across all groups

The decline in overall satisfaction with the NHS was seen across all ages, income groups, sexes and political persuasions. More people (41%) are now dissatisfied with the NHS than satisfied. Concerns over long wait times (65%), NHS staff shortages (46%) and inadequate government funding (40%) remained the top reasons people cited for being dissatisfied with the NHS in 2021.

Support for founding principles strong as ever

However, support for the principles of the NHS was as strong as ever. The overwhelming majority of people expressed high levels of support for the founding principles of the NHS when asked if they should still apply in 2021: that it is free of charge when you need it (94%), primarily funded through taxation (86%) and available to everyone (84%).

Sharp decline in satisfaction with GP services

Public satisfaction with GP services – historically the service with the highest levels of public satisfaction – fell by an unprecedented 30 percentage points on 2019 to 38%, the lowest level of satisfaction recorded for GP services since the survey began in 1983. This was the first time the number of people dissatisfied with GP services (42%) was higher than those who were satisfied.

Levels of public satisfaction with hospital inpatient and outpatient services and dentistry were also all at the lowest level since the BSA survey began, and satisfaction with A&E services was at the lowest level since that question was introduced in 1999.

Wait times and recruitment should be prioritised

When asked to cite their most important priorities for the NHS, the top three were making it easier to get a GP appointment, improving waiting times for planned operations and increasing the number of staff in the NHS.

For the first time one of the founding principles of the NHS, that it is free at the point of use, was the top reason people are satisfied with the NHS (selected by 78% of satisfied respondents), followed by the quality of NHS care (65%) and that it has a good range of services (58%).

Eight in 10 believed the NHS has a funding problem, the same as in 2019. As with previous years, the most popular option for any extra funding was for it to come from taxes, although the proportion of respondents choosing this option has declined slightly in recent years.

Satisfaction with social care remains far lower than satisfaction with NHS services, with 15% of respondents satisfied with social care services in 2021, while 50% were dissatisfied.

Public want the NHS model to work

Dan Wellings, senior fellow at The King’s Fund, said: “Our analysis reveals an unprecedented drop in public satisfaction with the NHS, which now stands at its lowest level in 25 years.

“People are often struggling to get the care they need and identified access to general practice, waiting times for hospital care and staff shortages as areas that need to improve.

“These issues have been exacerbated by the extraordinary events of the past two years but have been many years in the making following a decade-long funding squeeze and a workforce crisis that has been left unaddressed for far too long. Despite this, support for the founding principles of the NHS remains strong. The public do not seem to want a different model, they just want the one they have got to work.”

Professor John Appleby, director of research and chief economist at the Nuffield Trust, said: “On top of the dramatic fall in overall public satisfaction with the NHS and care services, it is really very striking that we are seeing record low levels of satisfaction with individual health care services.

“The fall in satisfaction is widespread across all age groups and income groups, with political party support having no bearing. Against a backdrop of record waiting lists for surgery, disruption to services and difficulties getting appointments with a GP, people are concerned about what the NHS can deliver.

“We know that the NHS and social care services face a long and difficult journey to recover performance, and now public satisfaction is rapidly falling too.”

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