RedArc adds Podplan

Nurse-led wellbeing support service RedArc has added Podplan to its panel of expert third-party suppliers.

Podplan provides both immediate-needs information about the care landscape for those with elderly dependants and long-term support via a membership subscription.

Commenting on the agreement, Christine Husbands, managing director for RedArc, said: “As the pandemic lingers on, we have recorded a marked increase in the number of employed carers who need support for themselves or their loved ones…

“Many elderly people are suffering from isolation, lack of contact and a lack of human touch which can cause alarming deterioration in their mental and physical health. This is creating a great strain on carers, particularly those who are in work, many of whom are literally at their wits’ end trying to do their best for their family and their employer.”

Jackie Cleveland, founder and MD, of Podplan, added: “From personal experience, I know that researching care options is incredibly time-consuming and complex – especially for people who are working and providing support for family members at the same time. We’re delighted to have been selected by RedArc to provide meaningful and actionable support either to those seeking to prepare for their care responsibilities or for those who need assistance straight away from qualified local care services.”

Both services can now be accessed at no charge when employees are referred by a RedArc nurse

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