Royal London extends CI conditions for full and partial payments

Royal London has made changes to its critical illness cover (CIC) in a bid to pay more protection claims.

Under the changes the mutual insurer has added two new definitions that pay out the full amount and others that pay out a partial amount without reducing the sum assured.

It has also enhanced a number of existing adult and child definitions to further improve its range of cover on its menu plans.

The changes, effective from 21 March are:


The addition of two new full definitions


Three new additional payment conditions


Eight updated existing definitions


Jennifer Gilchrist, proposition specialist at Royal London, (pictured) said: “It’s essential we keep our focus on reviewing and revising our critical illness definitions to achieve the best possible outcomes for customers so we can pay as many claims as possible.

“The improvements we’ve made ensure we provide valuable cover with clear and understandable definitions for the conditions that customers are most likely to claim on.”

Alan Lakey, director at CIExpert, added: “Royal London has made tremendous strides in recent years, particularly with its high quality child cover.

“This upgrade focuses primarily on the adult cover and extends the prospect of a claim payment by the addition of five conditions together with improved claim wordings on eight others. Those advisers who focus on quality plans will welcome these enhancements.”


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