Royal London cuts loadings and updates underwriting for diabetes – updated

Royal London has introduced a number of changes to its diabetes underwriting philosophy.

The mutual said the changes would mean more than three-quarters of customers with type 1 diabetes could now get an improved underwriting outcome.

It has removed or reduced some of the additional loadings applied in underwriting diabetes, for example, the loading applied for the complication of background retinopathy has been reduced.

And the insurer has introduced a bespoke approach for pre-diabetes allowing more customers to get a decision at the point of application.

It added the changes were in line with its commitment to regularly enhance the most common areas of its protection underwriting disclosure, with the latest changes improving outcomes for customers living with type 1 diabetes and ensuring type 2 diabetes loadings were appropriate.

Craig Paterson, chief underwriter at Royal London, (pictured) said: “Based on the analysis of previous customers living with type 1 diabetes who applied to Royal London, 78% could get an improved underwriting outcome compared to our previous approach, and the largest rating reduction is 200%.

“Our aim is to regularly review the conditions that most customers tell us about to ensure our approaches remain evidence based and contemporary. In addition, we use feedback from a wide variety of sources to help inform the prioritisation of the work we do. We know from reviews and feedback that our approach for customers living with type 1 diabetes could be sharpened to reflect the improving mortality experience for these lives.”


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