Sluggishness in sustainability risks brain drain for business – Bupa Wellbeing Index



Employers will need to shore up their commitments to meeting sustainability and net zero targets or risk an exodus among younger workers.

According to the latest Bupa Wellbeing Index, nearly half (48%) of Gen Z workers would consider leaving a job that didn’t walk the talk in its promises on sustainability.


Sustainability over pay

The research found that despite worries around inflation and the cost of living, two-fifths of all workers (42%) say they would accept a job on lower pay to work for a more ethical organisation. This rose to 66% among the Gen Z demographic.

On average, workers are willing to take a significant 19% reduction in pay.


Environmental-health concerns

There was also increasing evidence of the impact of environmental issues on mental health; 42% of workers said a lack of action on social or environmental issues by their employer has a negative effect on their mental health, up from 33% in 2021.


Giving people a voice

As a result, workers want more of a say and to see tangible action on sustainability. Just over one in five (21%) workers said it was not enough for senior leaders to put out promises on sustainability without getting input from the wider workforce – rising to 29% among Gen Z.

Rachel Murray, Head of Employee Health and Wellbeing at Bupa Global & UK said: “For younger workers, it’s essential that their employer is setting and meeting ambitious sustainability goals that they can see is making tangible change.

“Many Gen Z workers in particular feel their generation is responsible for protecting the environment – a pressure that can take its toll on wellbeing and mental health in the workplace when they see practices that go against good sustainability action.

“Giving people more of a direct say in what ESG initiatives they want to see is likely to become more widespread within UK businesses.”



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