SNP manifesto seeks to increase NHS funding by £16bn per year

The Scottish National Party (SNP) manifesto wants the UK government to increase NHS funding by £16bn per year, meaning an extra £1.6bn for NHS Scotland. 

Managing of health is devolved to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but much of the nations’ funding is delivered from collective taxation then distributed through Westminster.

“We will protect our NHS from the twin threats of Westminster privatisation and austerity,” the manifesto said. 

“The UK Government should back our bill to keep the NHS in public hands and boost NHS England funding by at least £16bn each year, providing an extra £1.6bn to NHS Scotland.” 

The manifesto added: “Our NHS is our most cherished public service.  

“Under the SNP, funding for Scotland’s NHS has more than doubled and NHS staffing is at a record high – with far more doctors and nurses per head in Scotland than south of the border.  

“When it comes to investment and improvement in our NHS, we’re determined to go further – including investing £300m to drive down waiting times – but we are doing that with one hand tied behind our back by Westminster.” 

The manifesto said SNP MPs will demand the UK Government “protect the NHS from Westminster privatisation through our Keep the NHS in Public Hands bill. “ 

It continued: “Further privatisation must be ruled out and the new UK Government should commit to back our bill, ensuring the health service is fully protected as a publicly owned and operated service.  

“The bill will stop any UK government undermining the principles and protections of the NHS as part of any future trade deals.” 

SNP leader John Swinney, who launched the manifesto earlier today said: “We will join with progressive politicians south of the border to press for greater funding for the NHS and for the UK government to match the pay deals we have given our health staff in Scotland. 

“That would see an extra £1.6bn for the NHS in Scotland and we would introduce a Keep the NHS in Public Hands Bill at Westminster. 

“A legal guarantee for a publicly owned, publicly operated health service. 

“The SNP message on the health services is clear, it is simple and it will never change… the NHS is not for sale. 

“Voting SNP is a vote to protect our public services and our precious NHS.”


Brexit reversal 

Scottish independence remained a key part of the party’s goal which it tied in to undoing the Brexit process.

In a section titled Reverse, the manifesto covered Scotland becoming independent and rejoining the EU. 

The manifesto said: “Brexit has wiped billions of pounds from the Scottish economy, pushed up prices on food and services and hit hard our ability to fund vital public services such as the NHS.  

“We have lost access to one of the world’s most sophisticated and integrated international justice and crime-fighting ecosystems, red tape is exacerbating medicine shortages, and the end of freedom of movement has made it much harder to recruit staff to work in our NHS, social care and other vital sectors.” 

The manifesto added: “We will champion our vision for an independent Scotland in the EU, offering Scotland the opportunity to regain what has been lost as a result of a hard Brexit and harness the opportunities that independence would provide.” 


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