Supporting employees with heart health: a guide for managers – Bupa


Bupa has launched a new bitesize academy module to discuss the role line-mangers can play in supporting their employees’ heart health as part of the Bupa Academy for Workplace Health and Wellbeing.

During this thirteen-minute video, Dr Yassir Javaid, Clinical Director, Cardiology, talks to Emma Shatliff, Academy Manager about heart health and how it might impact the workplace.

Yassir, shares tips, tools and advice on how line managers can best champion positive lifestyle habits and promote heart health in the workplace.

While also touching on the tangible steps managers can take to better support employees that may have received a diagnosis of a heart condition.

To learn more about the ways that you can support your workforce with their heart health, take a look at the full recording here.

As a trusted health and wellbeing partner Bupa is here to help organisations build a more resilient, happier, and healthier workplace.

Bupa has created The Workplace Health and Wellbeing Academy to provide organisations with exclusive access to Bupa’s clinical insights and expertise to help them define and deliver their wellbeing strategies.


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