Syrona Health launches voice-based AI mental health assessment tool

Syrona Health has launched a voice-based AI mental health assessment tool. 

The tool evaluates non-clinical markers such as stress, exhaustion, and self-esteem. 

“This comprehensive approach promises to bridge the gap frequently encountered between employees and their mental health support networks,” the healthcare solutions provider said. 

Mental health problems account for 51% of all long-term sick leave in the UK, according to a Mental Health Foundation report released earlier this year.  

Syrona Health said the tool would translate into timely interventions for organisations, with reduced absentee rates, and a more engaged workforce.  

“By shedding light on symptom fluctuations, the tool paves the way for proactive care, potentially diminishing related business costs and, more vitally, enhancing overall employee well-being,” it said. 

“Perhaps most notably, the tool is language-agnostic, catering to the UK;s diverse and multicultural workforce, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all,” it said. 

But it noted that the tool is designed to complement the expertise of clinicians and therapists, not to replace them, and aims to assist in monitoring a patient’s progress.

Anya Roy, co-founder of Syrona Health said: “A holistic approach to mental well-being is essential. 

“Our voice-based AI aims to align personal experiences with apt care, ensuring every employee feels genuinely recognised and understood.” 



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