Tembo launches AI-driven protection criteria tool

Tembo has launched an AI-driven protection criteria tool.

The tool is context aware which means when a user has a conversation with it, it will consider all previous questions and its previous answers and give only the most useful, relevant information.

A Tembo spokesperson told Health & Protection the tool can currently answer basic questions on protection and Tembo is also training it on the criteria for further questions.

The spokesperson added possible basic protection questions could include “Does Aviva income protection cover known diabetics?”, “Would an abnormal smear impact a critical illness application?” or “How many years would cover postpone from the end of treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma stage two?”

Tembo AI has been trained on data from more than 30 lenders and 6,000 pages of criteria content as well as all content available on the Tembo website to provide answers to a wide range of protection and mortgage questions.

Users can also ask Tembo AI general mortgage questions like “What is a JBSP mortgage?’” and specific criteria questions, for example “What’s Accord’s maximum LTV?”

As the first AI-driven product that Tembo has developed, Tembo AI forms part of the company’s wider strategy of harnessing AI in order to enhance the customer experience, while ensuring Tembo brokers have the most up to date information at their fingertips at all times.

Eddie Ross, co-founder of Tembo, (pictured) said: ”AI has the potential to completely transform the mortgage industry, and at Tembo this internal criteria tool is just the beginning of our journey.

“We have some big product releases already in the pipeline. Combining cutting-edge technology with human, customer-centric service has always been at the heart of what we do.

“AI offers an exciting new opportunity for us to make some big moves.”

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