The Exeter head of healthcare distribution joins AMII executive committee

Karen Woodley, head of healthcare distribution at The Exeter, is joining the Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (AMII) executive committee.

Woodley joined The Exeter in September 2015 and has played a key role in leading its healthcare proposition, including the recent launch of the provider’s guided option on its Health+ product. 

She joins chairman Dave Middleton, treasurer Paul Swanson, vice chairwoman Claire Ginnelly, general secretary Tina Jennings and members Isaac Feiner, David Hughes, Guy Jones, Liam Kennedy, Iain McMillan, Paul Moulton, Alan Mulligan, Wayne Pontin and Ian Sawyer on the committee.

Woodley (pictured) said: “I am hugely excited to be joining the AMII executive committee at a time when we are seeing unprecedented demand for private healthcare services in the UK.

“Whilst this demand creates numerous opportunities within the healthcare market it also provides us with the chance to ensure that we offer the best possible outcomes for customers, something that is a core focus of AMII.”

AMII executive chairman David Middleton added: “We are delighted to welcome Karen to the AMII executive committee. Her extensive experience in the health and wellbeing sector and her passion for growing the market will prove invaluable to us as we continue to grow our membership.

“The executive committee here at AMII is made of up a wide range of experienced and deeply knowledgeable individuals who work together to set the direction of our organisation.

“Their core aim is to ensure we remain relevant and innovative, so bringing in someone of Karen’s calibre is undoubtedly going to strengthen the depth of expertise we are able to call upon. 

“I am very much looking forward to working with Karen in the coming months in this exciting period for the association.”


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