The PMI Handbook 2022 launches

The 2022 edition of The PMI Handbook has been published for brokers seeking information on the array of PMI plans available in the UK market.

It is the book’s 30th year in publication and covers details on individual and group policies from more than 20 insurers on a like-for-like basis.

Each entry contains cover comparisons, commission guides, contact details and special points to note on each contract.

A glossary of the main medical terms is included as well as a contact list of international PMI providers. The publication is suitable for intermediaries currently active in PMI and those wishing to enter the market. All entries are fully approved by the PMI providers concerned.

Commenting on the latest edition, its compiler Andrew Green director of Craigdallie Healthcare, said: “Once again, the past year has seen enquiries for PMI cover increase as a result of the pandemic.”

“With NHS waiting lists in the UK still rising exponentially, an increase in the number of people taking out cover has been seen. This trend is expected to continue for some time to come as the NHS will struggle to catch up on the backlog.

“There are hundreds of different combinations of PMI policies available in the UK. As a result, it can be a challenge for brokers to keep up to speed on all of the options. This book aims to help them, whether they are already involved in the PMI market or looking to enter the sector with.

“We have also seen Equipsme and most recently, Zurich enter the market which is a healthy sign for the industry and extends the choice further.”

The A5 sized handbook is published in paper format updated annually. An electronic version is also available.

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