Third of UK citizens struggle to see a GP – ONS

More than a third of people in the UK have struggled to secure an appointment with a GP this past month.

This is according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which found of those respondents who tried to contact a GP practice to make an appointment in the last month, around a third (34%) found it difficult or very difficult.

In contrast, nearly half (46%) found it easy or very easy to contact their GP practice.

The NHS also ranked among the primary concerns of those polled.

When asked about the important issues facing the UK today, respondents cited their most common issues as the cost of living (92%), the NHS (88%), the economy (79%), climate change and the environment (62%) and housing (62%).

Six in 10 (60%) adults of surveyed reported that their cost of living had increased, compared with a month ago; though this proportion appears to have gradually decreased since early April 2023, when it was at 76%.

Three in 10 (30%) respondents reported using their savings because of the rise in cost of living;. This is an increase from a quarter (25%) of adults who said the same in late April 2023.

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