Two-thirds of clients want to continue with remote advice sessions – LV=

Almost two thirds of UK adults who received financial advice remotely during the pandemic want to continue doing so, according to LV=.

Virtual GP appointments were also fairly well regarded, though not as strongly as remote advice.

The insurer’s quarterly Wealth and Wellbeing Monitor survey of 4,000 UK adults asked about lifestyle changes made during or as a result of the pandemic.

Overall, 41% of respondents said they had become more focused on family than before the pandemic, while 38% were now more focused on work-life balance and 32% and 45% were now more focused on hobbies and interests, and health respectively.

But when asked about the activities that had increased during the pandemic – 65% who received remote financial advice wanted to continue doing so, while 44% of those that had had remote GP appointments wanted to continue them.

The survey also found 91% of those that exercised more during the pandemic wanted to continue this, 79% of those that worked from home during the pandemic wanted to continue doing so and 76% of those who did online grocery shopping wanted to continue.

More than two thirds (68%) of those that were able to do the school run more during the pandemic wanted to continue doing it and 58% of parents that had had remote parents’ evenings wanted to continue them.


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