Aviva sees 35% increase in oncology spend since 2017

Aviva has seen a 35% increase in oncology spend since 2017.

This is according to Dr Suba M (pictured), medical director at Aviva Health, who was addressing LaingBuisson’s Private Acute Health Conference in London this week where she told delegates as the costs of treating cancer costs mount, the UK private medical insurance sector has entered Health 3.0 – an era of value based commissioning in which hyperpersonalised, proactive prevention based solutions take hold.

Cancer spend up 35%

Setting the scene, Dr Suba M revealed that between 2017 and 2022 Aviva’s oncology spend grew by 35%, with most expenditure on chemotherapy and things like targeted therapies, while spend on surgery and radiotherapy was also up by 9% over the same period.

Against a backdrop of more disease burden, more treatment options, greater customer expectations and a struggling public healthcare system and the need to prove investment, Dr Suba M was cognisant that the entire healthcare system is evolving.

“We are now firmly in the era of value based commissioning and we are getting better at designing cohort based solutions – some of it through profiling.

“But also we have got digital based solutions like GP services and other healthcare solutions to really support customers to get the most out of their care.”

Health 3.0

Dr Suba M added the future is already here and is what Aviva calls Health 3.0.

“It’s all about hyperpersonalised, proactive prevention focused approach where we as insurers are curators of choice and consumerisation of healthcare means that individuals will want to be in the driver’s seat to make choices to really suit their lifestyle and life stage,” Dr Suba M continued.

Not a free for all

Dr Suba M was keen to point out that Health 3.0 does not mean a free for all where everyone gets everything.

“We are still bound by our guiding principles at Aviva and that’s based on the four pillars of medical ethics.

“So we ensure that solutions we offer our customers our clinically effective, commercially efficient, equitable and inclusive for customers and considering the impact of carbon intensity and bio diversity through the solution suite.

“Because the choices that we make today have to be enduring to build a better tomorrow.”


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