Under-35s leading demand for employer health cover – Simplyhealth

Under-35s are leading demands for workplace health benefits, according to research from Simplyhealth.

Nearly eight in 10 (78%) of the workers surveyed aged 18-34 said it was important their employer provided health cover, with seven in 10 (71%) claiming they would worry about switching employers in case the other did not offer this benefit.

Furthermore 78% of younger workers said having health cover was what attracted them to stay at their company and almost six in 10 (59%) said it was one of the reasons that attracted them to join their company.

Additionally, two-thirds (66%) of young workers said having health benefits would mean taking less time off work because they could see a doctor sooner and 76% said it would improve their productivity.

The importance of this benefit for younger workers was highlighted with 64% of 18 to 34-year-olds saying health was the most valued job benefit for them, compared to less than half (46%) of over-55s.

The data also revealed that younger UK workers were more likely to take time off work for mental health problems than older workers – 71% attributed time taken off work in the past 12 months to anxiety, compared to just 32% of over-55s.

In addition to surveying 2,000 employees, Opinium also quizzed 500 HR decision makers across UK businesses.

The trends highlighted by staff were echoed by some businesses as 30% of employers thought communicating health cover benefits helped them attract new employees and 29% agreed it helped retain their current workforce.

Some employers also noticed an improvement in employee satisfaction when health cover was provided, with 37% noticing an increase in employee engagement and 33% an increase in productivity.

And employers were feeling the effects of mental ill-health, with 33% reporting rising mental health days as one of the biggest problems their business was facing.

In the past 12 months, 31% of all calls to Simplyhealth’s mental health support service were from 18-34 year-olds, the provider added.


Health benefits expected

Paul Schreier, CEO of Simplyhealth, said younger workers now expected health benefits rather than viewing them as a bonus.

“While the UK continues to suffer from a workforce sickness epidemic and long NHS waiting times, the provision of affordable and accessible health cover at work has never been more important,” he said.

“I often hear our customers – across all age ranges – tell us how much they value quick and easy access to treatments for which they have often encountered lengthy NHS waiting times – for example physio, mental health support or GP appointments.

“It’s especially important for employers to put in place support for muscle and joint and mental health concerns, which are the most common reasons people take time off sick.

“Employers who want to attract and retain top talent, keep their workforce healthy, and improve business productivity, should recognise the importance of offering health cover.

“We urge the new government to acknowledge low-cost health cover as an effective tool to tackle in-work sickness and to reduce the excessive tax burden placed on health cover products to incentivise take up by businesses.”


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