UnderwriteMe and Inuvi combine on digital medical underwriting

UnderwriteMe has agreed a strategic partnership with Inuvi, a provider of medical examinations and health services to the insurance industry.

The product works by automating many of the manual processes that currently exist in underwriting and the processing of medical exams.

Rather than being paper-based, and manually underwritten, the medical exams are digitally sent, received, and underwritten by the insurer without needing to go through a manual underwriter or sit in long queues waiting to be processed.

The aim is to significantly speed up the buying process for those insurers that use it, and the customers that buy products from them.

As a result of the partnership, both companies can now offer the product to other insurers in the market.

Simon Jacobs, director of business development at UnderwriteMe, (pictured) said: “As a result of our partnership with Inuvi, we are able to provide more cover, to more customers, more quickly.”

Richard Allison, managing director of Inuvi, said the firm was delighted to partner with UnderwriteMe to deliver this integrated technology.

“Smartly integrating with UnderwriteMe’s digital underwriting engine allows Inuvi to provide our insurance clients with the structured health data they need at even greater speed, further reducing the time it takes to underwrite customer policies, improving the overall customer and intermediary experience,” he added.


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