Velvet promotes Bella Streames to MD

Vicki Head copyright

Vicki Head copyright

Velvet Mortgage and Insure Services has promoted Bella Streames to managing director.

Speaking to Health & Protection about Bella’s promotion, her mother and owner of the company Joanna Streames, explained her daughter joined the business as a temporary step after working at a chartered surveyors where she struggled to take care of her diabetes.

So at the height of the pandemic in November 2021, Bella (pictured) joined her mother’s business, with Joanna conceding it was initially tough as she did not have a training plan or a specific role for her within the business.

“But over a few months, she fell in love with the job herself,” Joanna Streames told Health & Protection.

“She realised what I had been banging on about for so many years and that actually ignited her passion too.

“Bella then worked in the business supporting clients and supporting me and my other adviser Bobby. She has never been overconfident so didn’t ever consider she would be an adviser herself. But myself and others started to see the potential in her and so she ran with it.

“She was enthusiastic about training and learning and then when it got taking on the actual adviser role she really flew. But she can still be nervous and this is still something she works on all the time.”

Such has been Bella’s success that her mother decided to make her a director.

“It’s a family business anyway and she cares about the business, the clients and our team just as much as I do,” Streames continued.

“So after a long time deliberating, I put it to her and she was thrilled.

“I hope she helps me to continue to build a strong business and brand with long, meaningful client relationships and helps to make some waves in the industry which she is doing by putting herself out there, well outside her comfort zone, on social media, podcasts and speaking at events,” Streames concluded.

For her part, Bella Streames told Health & Protection her heart is really in the job and becoming a director has made her feel really proud of herself.

“My mum doesn’t give things away easily so I knew she really felt I deserved this. I still have to pinch myself that I’m a grown up, doing a grown up job and that I absolutely love it.

“I am excited to be a good influence in our industry and to grow Velvet with a reputation for being a great company to work for and with and who does the right thing by the clients; that as a team we are making changes in the industry.”


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