Vitality launches online hub as part of its Champions Programme

Vitality has launched an online hub as part of its Vitality Champions Programme which aims to provide greater support to corporate clients looking to embed health and wellbeing into their culture.   

Alongside existing incentives offered through Vitality’s health plans, including regular rewards and discounts with top brands, the Champions Programme gives corporate clients more resources to build healthier, more engaged and productive workforces.  

That includes bespoke company workshops, health tips and advice, and access to experts.  

The dedicated employee platform, will give members a chance to join and learn from a community of likeminded and passionate health and wellness advocates. 

The Vitality Champions Programme is available to businesses with more than 10 employees which have one of three Vitality plans: business health insurance, corporate healthcare or the Vitality at work enterprise plans. 

Vitality said: “The Champions Programme leverages behavioural science, the expertise of health and wellbeing professionals and its expansive network of Performance Champions – ex-professional athletes such as Rugby World Cup winner Maggie Alphonsi and Olympic hockey player Alex Danson-Bennett – to provide an experience unavailable anywhere else.  “ 

Vitality data shows those clients with health insurance have 2.5 more productive days a year than those without it. And businesses which actively participate with their plans have up to 46% lower health costs.  

“Through the hub Vitality will be able to further support its corporate clients as they make their own journey to a healthier workforce,” Vitality said.  

Maggie Alphonsi, Vitality Champions Programme director (pictured) said: “We all want to live our healthiest lives, but it can be difficult to know where to start. 

“Our programme helps people make this first step, and all subsequent strides, so much easier.  

“We work closely with our corporate clients to make sure that they have the tools, support and guidance they need to help their employees get heathier.”    

Nick Read, managing director, Vitality Programme said: “Employee health is about doing much more than just the right thing, having a significant impact on workplace productivity.  

“Today’s announcement on the hub is the latest in a wealth of support we offer businesses and organisations to enable them to prioritise employee health and put in meaningful support and interventions to change the health of their workforce.   

“Where health at work is properly supported, business and the wider economy gain significantly.”  

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