We need to be more risk averse when it comes to mental health – Withnell

By David Withnell, chief risk officer of Axa Global Healthcare

Our latest global Future Risk Report has revealed that the general public’s health concerns are both persisting and broadening, especially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2021, almost half of general public respondents who selected pandemics among their top risks cited the long-term impacts of Covid as their main concern.

In 2022, that rate decreased and people are more worried about new strains of other infectious diseases.

With new health scares such as the monkeypox outbreak, news of polio in UK sewage waters and the recent Strep A surge regularly featuring in the media, it will be no surprise if this public focus on health risks continues for months to come.

The increased concern around physical health since the pandemic is to be expected, but what often gets overlooked is the great toll the pandemic took on mental health.

This psychological impact, especially when combined with the potential mental health impacts of growing political turmoil and other external factors, was highlighted in Axa’s report.

In the survey, mental health is classified under risks related to changing health practices and new occupational diseases.

The category ranked slightly higher in 2022 compared to 2021, but the reasons for choosing the risk were different – in fact, over-dependence on medication (45%) has over taken mental health (27%) as the top concern.


Physical and mental health intertwined

The Mind Health Study we released in 2022 found mental wellbeing was second only to the economy as the biggest casualty of the Covid pandemic.

Given the unprecedented events of the last few years, it’s not surprising people are getting caught up in physical health concerns, but it’s incredibly important we don’t further neglect our mental health.

Physical and mental health are greatly intertwined, and neglecting your mental health can actually have a detrimental effect on your physical health – after all, the brain is part of the body.

For example, the presence of chronic conditions can increase the risk for mental illness, while poor mental health can also increase someone’s risk for physical health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The impacts on physical health aside, there are many positives that come from paying genuine, significant attention to our mental health – for example, being able to better nurture our relationships and foster creativity and productivity, and simply being able to enjoy life a little more.


Three key steps

So, in a world where mental health needs to be addressed more adequately, what steps could improve services for those in need?




According to reports from the World Health Organisation, the Covid pandemic has widely affected mental health, with a large number of people reporting psychological distress and symptoms of depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress.

In addition, our Mind Health Study raised concerns about mental health in the younger generation as a result of their potentially harmful relationship with technology.

Coupled with the disruption to mental health services seen during and beyond the pandemic, there’s never been a greater need to check in on those around you who might be struggling.

In a world where we’re becoming generally more risk averse, it’s time we gave mental health risks the attention they really need.


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