William Russell revamps Africa IPMI proposition

William Russell has revamped its international health insurance proposition for Africa.

The proposition now features two new areas for cover for customers resident in Africa.

These include:

Zone 4 – offering full cover under all plans in Africa and the Indian subcontinent, with restricted cover elsewhere and no cover in the USA. Customers also receive a premium saving of 30% compared to the firm’s standard area of cover.

Zone 5 – which is similar to Zone 4 but South Africa is included in the group of restricted countries.

The provider said that as South Africa has some of the highest costs of private healthcare in Africa, excluding it from full cover meant Zone 5 was cheaper than Zone 4, offering a 40% premium saving compared to standard area of cover.

Customers also benefit from the offer of a 20% lifetime discount for individuals and families living in Mauritius, Malawi, and Botswana – among other countries outside Africa – until the end of this year.


New online hub

The new proposition is supported by an online hub containing FAQs and information dedicated to the Africa proposition.

Tariq Siddiqi, commercial director at William Russell, (pictured) said: “Insurance distribution throughout Africa has always been important to William Russell’s strategy.

“But now with our Africa hub we’re formalising that long-standing commitment and pedigree in the Africa market, busting some myths about private healthcare in Africa, and introducing some new plan features.”


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