Worries that workplaces won’t have routine Covid testing – Canada Life

More than half of people worry their workplace will not have routine Covid testing upon their return to the office.

This is according to research from Canada Life which shows 58% of full time workers were looking forward to return to the office with two thirds of 18-34 year olds expecting their mental health to improve upon their return.

However, more than half of those returning to the office were nervous about physically interacting with people again.

A similar number were worried that their colleagues will not be taking safety precautions – this rose to 62% among 35-54 year olds.

Meanwhile 51% were worried there will be a lack of routine Covid testing when they returned to the office, increasing to 57% among women and 65% of people living in London.

The research also showed 37% wanted masks to be worn in communal spaces, 35% wanted desks to be more spaced out, and 37% would like flexible hours and the trialing of partial and phased returns to work.

Dan Crook, protection sales director at Canada Life, said: “Many employees are looking forward to being back in the physical workplace and enjoying interaction and support from their colleagues.

“Employers should not take this position for granted and should strive to be ready to support employees with the transition back to the office. Establishing new office norms that provide emotional and practical support is key.

“However, implementing, safety measures that ensure employees are safe and cared for is of equal importance. Employers should start to plan and prepare now, while also enabling their teams to receive the support they need before returning to office life.”

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