Young adults seek ethical workplaces to support mental health burden – Bupa



More than two thirds (68%) of young adults say they are anxious about environmental issues – more than any other generation – and a similar number (63%) feel the burden of climate change on their shoulders.

Furthermore, 64 per cent of 188 to 22-year-olds say it is important employers act on environmental issues, with a lack of action affecting the mental wellbeing of two in five (43%).

Crucially, these young adults are prepared to prioritise their mental health over earnings.

One in three (31%) would turn down roles in companies with poor environmental, social, and governance (ESG) credentials, and more than half (54%) would take a pay cut to work for a business that reflects their ethics, on average sacrificing more than a quarter (27%) of their salary.

The Bupa research suggests engaging employees with sustainability commitments will support their physical and mental health, and provide growing value to businesses as young adults enter the workforce and move up the career ladder.


Supporting employers

Bupa’s workplace wellbeing experts have issued a five-point guide for employers who want to support their employees’ wellbeing as part of their ESG goals.


Encourage habits that improve people and planet wellbeing

Support employees to make choices that are better for their wellbeing and the planet, e.g. reducing work travel, supporting greener options for active travel into work, moving to electric vehicles for company cars and providing healthier food in the office canteen that also has a lower carbon footprint. You could also encourage engagement by offering eco-challenges at work, e.g. a walk/run/cycle to work challenge. You can find more ideas through Bupa’s free to access sustainability hub, including articles and podcasts exploring how to make environmentally friendly behaviour changes that last.


Facilitate action

Encourage employees to engage with ESG activities at work, offering volunteering days and involvement in company or community sustainability initiatives. Communicate what the business is doing to meet its ESG goals and how employee contributions are having an impact.


Seek employee input

Employees will feel more engaged if they can help shape their company’s ESG actions. Establish employee networks and community groups for people to take part in.


Manage eco-anxiety

Thinking about sustainability can be overwhelming, and eco-anxiety is on the rise and a natural response to what is happening to our planet. Help employees to manage anxiety through supporting a good work-life balance. Encourage them to work within their working hours, spend time away from their desks and take regular breaks, whether they’re in the office or working from home. Spending time outside and getting close to nature has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Lead from the top

A culture of ESG starts from the top. Ensure senior management have clear ESG objectives and encourage them to share what they are doing, both at work and at home to be more sustainable.




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