Don’t just pay lip service to equality and diversity – Meads

The health and protection sectors should not just pay lip service to equality and diversity but should platform female professionals speaking about a wider array of topics.

This is according to Juliette Meads, national account manager at Vitality (pictured), who spoke to Health & Protection for our analysis exploring how more diverse workforces are proving the catalyst for change across health and protection sectors.

Conscious decision making

While a “strong” believer in meritocracy in career progression, Meads maintained that this traditionally male dominated industry requires more “conscious decision making” in this area.

“Firms must show some commitment to equality and diversity and not just pay lip service to it,” Meads continued.

“However, the only way women can become the best person for the job is in their early career development.

“Although we are starting to see more women climb the corporate ladder, I think that cognisant development of younger women as they start their careers is integral.”

More female speakers at industry events

And though progress is being made, Meads said women need more representation at industry events.

Meads added: “I think to encourage more into the sector, more frequent female speakers at industry wide events on varying topic – not just topics to do with the impact of ‘X’ on women – will open the conversation and the encouragement of more women working in insurance, eliminating the traditional expectation of men fronting the insurance industry.”

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