Former Bupa Global sales director Nic Brown partners FJN on growth consultancy

FJN Solutions has brought former Bupa Global sales director Nic Brown on board as a director to launch a sister business aimed at helping firms who are gearing up for growth.

Brown (pictured), whose other previous roles include European sales director positions at Aetna International and Cigna and more recently broker distribution director at Markel, spoke to Health & Protection ahead of launch of the new business which will be known as FJN Growth Solutions.


Making businesses successful

“We set up the partnership because of two reasons,” Brown explained.

“One is I really enjoy going into businesses when they want to grow and put in the frameworks in place to make that successful and I’d like to do that for as many businesses as I can.

“The idea of setting up a growth consultancy business is really, really appealing. We’re doing that with Dan at FJN because the relationship between people and success is critical.

“Dan is well connected and speaks to those decision makers and that is a great opportunity for us to introduce the consultancy services that we can provide at FJN Growth Solutions.

“We will help people realise their growth ambitions through effective sales and marketing.”

Perfect timing

But Brown also added that after a stint taking on some consultancy work following a 30 year career and a summer spending time with his children, he wanted more of a work/life balance.

“I have been doing some consultancy work and really enjoyed it. The opportunity is to create that as a business for myself,” Brown said.

“The timing is perfect with Dan looking to expand and listening to his customers and what they need, we decided to go for it.

“And that’s why FJN Growth Solutions has been born as a sister business to the recruitment agency.

“We can’t have the two together because clients might want a ‘white wall’ in the way that they recruit. In terms of recruiting, I can be working on the consultancy opportunity and the client may have an internal recruitment agency for example and they may not want to leverage that capability so we do need to have transparency from both businesses.”

The differentiator

And looking ahead to the future prospects for the new business, Brown maintained while a lot of recruitment agency businesses in the UK profess to provide sales and marketing and growth support, few have actually done so.

“I think that there is a piece of me with my experience in that I have got a lot of knowledge and experience that I can bring to businesses that wouldn’t ordinarily be able to take advantage of the experience that I have got,” Brown continued.

“That’s what I’m trying to do. That’s the differentiator.”

Major signing

For Dan Small, managing director at FJN Solutions’ part, he added he was “absolutely delighted” that Brown has joined to set up FJN Growth Solutions.

“This is a major signing for us and signifies our intent to continue to grow our offering for our client base both in the UK and Internationally,” Small added.

“Nic is well respected across the IPMI market and has a demonstrable record of helping businesses increase revenue and improve performance. He is a vital part of our plans and gives us a platform to take our business to the next level.”

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