Introducing… Amy Jenney, Cura Financial Services

Health & Protection speaks to Amy Jenney, protection insurance adviser at Cura Financial Services about how she managed to restore a customer’s faith in protection, being interviewed in the company’s driveway and why she takes inspiration from the Friends theme tune.


How did you get your start in the sector?

My financial career initially started with mortgages. This is where I was first introduced to protection insurance.

From there it was word of mouth and I just found myself gravitating to protection, it wasn’t something I knew I was going to end up solely doing, but I am enjoying every moment.


What do you enjoy most about your current role?

The variety, every day is different and not one day is the same. Every day I speak with different customers, with different backgrounds, it’s a huge factor in me enjoying my job as an adviser.


Who is your role model – in life or in work?

I look to other advisers in the industry as role models, but also the managing directors at Cura, Kathryn and Alan Knowles. They work so hard and with three kids at home, I don’t know how they do it. They really do inspire me.


Who has been your most important mentor in your career so far and why?

It’s hard to single out just one person for this answer. I’ve been fortunate to have been and still am, surrounded by successful and inspiring women during my career so far. It really empowers me and gives me the drive to do all that I can in my role at Cura.


What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

You must be open minded, willing to learn and be adaptable to the customers’ needs and changing times.


What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

The pandemic hitting I think was my biggest setback. I re-evaluated what I wanted out of life and took the plunge to start my career here at Cura. Starting as a newbie and training virtually through the pandemic at times was tough, but with the support of my colleagues I got through it and I feel a valued member of the team now.


Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?

I recently supported a client who’d previously arranged a policy through another broker. Unfortunately the other policy had been set up incorrectly, without disclosing a medical condition, that had led to it being cancelled and the client was left with no protection in place.

He came to us disheartened and didn’t really have much hope for a positive outcome, after the negative experience he had.

Having lost his trust in our profession but still hoping that someone could help him, I spent a long time explaining everything in depth, to put his mind at ease.

This person started their insurance experience with a non-disclosure and cancelled from inception policy, and after I looked into the cover he walked away with life and critical illness cover (including own occupation TPD), with the added benefit of waiver of premium. The policy was accepted at standard terms.

This positive outcome for my client was heartwarming and gave me a real sense of job satisfaction.


What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

As a new adviser I just want to keep growing more business on my books and continue speaking to more people and helping them meet their needs.


How would your boss describe you?

This is what Kathryn Knowles, managing director of Cura, said: “Amy approached us when we were not advertising for new employees. She had an interview on our driveway while we were all social distancing and I admired her for putting herself forward on the off chance that we might say come onboard. We are so pleased that she took that step to contact us. She is a real asset to our team and we have confidence in the work that she does.”


What’s your biggest talent away from work?

I love to dance, from a young age I have danced and competed.


What mantra do you live by?

‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’


What song would you regard as your theme tune?

I’ll Be There For You –  the Friends theme tune by the Rembrandts. I think through life, challenges get thrown your way and it’s important we have the support from everyone around us to get through those hard times and enjoy the good.


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