Introducing… Anne-Sophie Dias

Anne-Sophie Dias, account executive at Maxis GBN, speaks to Health & Protection about transitioning from a career in fashion, why communication and interaction are what drive her, being onboarded during the pandemic and why the sector has a lot of opportunities for everyone, no matter their background or experience.

How did you get your start in the sector?

Before I joined Maxis, I worked for a fashion company for years. I loved it but I wanted a new challenge, and I had a lot of friends who worked in insurance and were doing really well in the sector. I could see how interested they were in their jobs and how many opportunities they had to develop their skills and their careers, which inspired me to find out more.

I heard about Maxis from Irene Hammink, who works in the business development team in Paris, and the rest is history.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I work in the business development team in our Paris office and being part of this team means I have a lot of interaction with clients, partners and brokers, as well as colleagues in different teams at Maxis.

I’d say that working with all these different people and building relationships is what I love the most – I’ve always worked in similar roles, too, and it’s the communication and interaction that comes with the role that really drives me.

Who is your role model – in life or in work?

I would say that my role model in life is my brother. I’ve always been really impressed by his passion and drive in all aspects of life, whether that’s in his career or his personal life. He’s constantly finding ways to learn more and is so dedicated to everything he does, and he’s been like that since he was a child.

Who has been your most important mentor in your career so far and why?

Since joining Maxis, my manager, Damian Allepuz, regional manager for Western Europe, has been one of my most important mentors.

When I first joined Maxis, I was completely new to insurance, so it was important to have his support while I learnt more about the industry and found my feet.

I also see how dedicated he is to his work which is an important thing to see in a manager.

The second person who I’d say is an important mentor for me is Jean-David Bridoux, account executive in the Paris Business Development team.

He’s really motivated to keep improving all the time, and to find solutions to any problems we face, and I think he’s a great person for me to work with so that I can keep progressing myself.

What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

Firstly, although the sector is really stimulating and interesting, I would say it is also quite complex. There’s a lot to learn when you first join and there’s so much information you have to understand before you feel comfortable.

There are also a lot of regulations and market practices to be aware of, so you really have to be willing to put time into improving your technical knowledge at the start.

Having said that, I think it’s an industry with a lot of opportunities for everyone, no matter what your background or experience is, which I think is great.

So put the work in early on and you will go far!

What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

My biggest setback was right at the start of my career at Maxis.

I joined Maxis during the Covid-19 pandemic, during a period of lockdown. This meant that my onboarding process was entirely virtual and I found it really difficult to get to know a new team, a new company and a completely new sector remotely.

To overcome this, I had to put a lot of extra effort in to understand the industry a bit better, and to get to know members of my team as best I could, even though I couldn’t meet them in person.

Setting up calls and chatting to people helped a bit until I could come into the office.

What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

My ultimate goal is to improve my insurance knowledge and keep understanding the industry, and my role, more and more, until I’m a real expert.

I think I’m getting there now, but there’s always something new that I need to learn or understand.

I also want to continue maintaining a good balance between my professional and personal life. I think it’s important to have separation between the two, so that you can bring your best self to work and enjoy your life outside of work too.

How would your boss describe you?

I think he would say that I’m very methodical, very able, and that I’m a great support to my colleagues.

What is your biggest talent away from work?

Oh wow. That’s a difficult one. I think my friends and my family would say that I have a talent for decoration and interior design. I’m very good with tiny details and making something look great.

Sometimes it can be a bit cheesy, but for Christmas I love having decorations everywhere – I take it seriously.

What mantra do you live by?

There are two that I’d have to choose between… my favourite one is “if you can dream it, you can do it’.

But the other one I do think is important is “progress always involves risk”. Maybe that one is more relevant!

What song would you regard as your theme tune?

This is hard because I would have chosen the same one as my Maxis colleague, Moises Frias, did when he was interviewed by you last year… he chose Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I love Coldplay, especially that song, but I did manage to find another one.

What a feeling by Irene Cara. I think the lyrics really match the way I look at life, and it makes me want to dance. You should have a listen.


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