Introducing… Ava Embaie, Equipsme

Ava Embaie, customer success manager at Equipsme, speaks to Health & Protection about bouncing back after redundancy earlier in her career, taking inspiration from her dad to start her career in start-ups and learning to love helping people buy peace of mind when they take out health and protection insurance.

How did you get your start in the sector?

I got into insurance by a very roundabout route. After a degree in International Politics, I didn’t want to go into anything too corporate.

My family would tell you I like to walk my own path, which is a kind way of saying I’m a bit of a rebel. I don’t like to conform, and I’ve never wanted to be anywhere my face and my vibe don’t fit.

I can’t think of anything worse than going to work every day all stiff, suited and booted, drawing inside the lines.

So I found my way into e-commerce start-ups. I love a start-up because they’re often breaking new ground, they value innovation, and you get to have direct access to senior people – and a direct impact on what happens.

I ended up at Groupon when it was a baby company, specialising in fashion, accessories and kids products – basically in sales. After a few years I found my way into my first customer success manager role within the health and protection sector – at another start-up.

I found I really loved helping people buy peace of mind instead of a piece of clothing.

It was a bit of a left-hand turn and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. But they took a chance on me, and it turns out that while the products are different all the customer stuff is the same.

When the business sold I knew I wanted to stay in the industry, and the customer success manager role with Equipsme came along at the perfect time.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I love helping businesses and customers learn how to make the most of their health insurance plans. And I absolutely love working with Equispme.

It’s grown up from being a start-up insurtech, but it’s still got that down-to-earth, fast-pace feel, and the team are really supportive – and incredibly passionate about what they do and why they’re doing it.

It’s all about opening up access to private healthcare to ordinary people. So not the ones with the big titles and company cars.

And from my end I see what a huge difference that can make to people’s lives.

Who is your role model – in life or in work?

I’d have to say my parents. They worked incredibly hard to provide for us, and that work ethic really stuck.

My dad ran his own businesses, which is probably where my love of a start-up underdog comes from.

There’s five of us kids, with a 17-year age gap between oldest and youngest, and they managed to treat all of us as individuals.

I’m quite different to my brothers and sisters, but my parents supported me to stay straight and narrow on whatever path I chose.

Who has been your most important mentor in your career so far and why?

I think in sales you don’t get a lot of mentoring, because everyone is always in competition. Which is why coming into the health and protection sector has been such a breath of fresh air.

I particularly love working with Rhonwen Beesley, Equipsme’s operations director. She’s incredibly focussed, very direct, and just a super, super warm person.

What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

You can learn about the industry. It can be a steep learning curve, but it can all be learned.

What you can’t learn is people – and having people skills and customer service experience is very valuable, and very transferable.

What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

I think the first time I was made redundant I took it very, very hard. But if you’re going to work for start-ups, not all of them are going to work out.

You’ve got to learn to bounce back quick. Now I see moving around as moving forward, and any kind of change as an opportunity.

Staying still and playing safe might give you stability, but if you’re not afraid to take a leap – and take the knocks – then you’ll always be learning and experiencing new things.

Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?

I get a lot of thank yous from people I’ve helped. Every now and again there’s a really heart-felt one from someone that’s really touching.

It’s usually someone who is poorly, and struggling to understand the private health insurance process.

For a lot of our members, it’s the first time they’ve had something that isn’t car or home insurance, and it can be quite complicated.

While 95% of our members can self-serve from our portal and get all the information they need, others have a hard time – right when they’re having a really hard time anyway.

It’s part of my job to take out the stress and get them the answers and support they need.

What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

I don’t want to be bored.

That’s why health and protection suits me so well – it’s incredibly varied. It might be a cliché but no day is ever the same. You spend too long at work to be unhappy in your job.

Luckily I’ve never had the experience of waking up and not wanting to go to work. It drains you, and seeps into the rest of your life. If you start feeling that way, it’s time to move.

How would your boss describe you?

Personable. Trustworthy. Open-minded.

What is your biggest talent away from work?

I love hosting. I’m always the one getting everyone together for food and fun.

What mantra do you live by?

Oh several I’ve already mentioned. Life’s too short to be unhappy, embrace change, and trust your instincts. And always ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

What song would you regard as your theme tune?

I’m a huge Beyoncé fan and I’ve always loved the lyrics of Break My Soul – all about living life how you want to, and not letting anyone get in your way.

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