Introducing… Bella Streames, Velvet

Vicki Head copyright

Vicki Head copyright

Bella Streames, protection specialist at Velvet, speaks to Health & Protection about working for her mum Joanna Streames, wanting to encourage more young women into the sector, overcoming imposter syndrome and being on the Catherine Tate Christmas Scrooge Show and in Tracy Beaker magazine.


How did you get your start in the sector?

I really fell into this industry. My mum has been in the industry for 12 years. I was working in a surveyor firm where I felt I was being micro-managed and found it difficult to see to all my medical needs – I have been type 1 diabetic since the age of eight and have a kidney condition I was born with.

I was too scared to go to appointments and only had half an hour for lunch so if I needed to get medications then I didn’t have time to eat. It all became a bit much so I left and joined my mum temporarily while I built my events business. I built up the events business well but in the meantime I had fallen in love with this industry and that was the beginning of a very unexpected journey.


What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I love making a difference to people, clients and our team. I love loving what I do and it never feeling a chore. I feel very lucky.


Who is your role model – in life or in work?

My mum. She has taught me to always be as strong as I can, to never give up and if you think you can do something then you’re halfway there.


Who has been your most important mentor in your career so far and why?

Mum again – because she has excelled in her own career and continuously teaches us all to be unique and make a difference in this industry. I’ve had some other really good influential mentors as well within the industry helping me gain confidence which has really helped and I would love to be that person for someone else one day.


What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

Please just do it. It really is an amazing career if you work hard. I don’t think you ever stop learning because it constantly evolves so it really keeps you on your toes; I’ve learnt so much starting out advising on protection and know there’s miles more to go which is exciting.

There are so many other areas you can move into in this industry. I would really love more young people and especially, young women to join us. I think the industry is begging for this.

You can really make a difference in so many ways, for yourself of course, but also to help make our industry brilliant and fresh, raise standards, have a real sense of satisfaction in what you are doing in the industry and for people who need you. It also pays well so what more could you ask for?


What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

Imposter syndrome and total lack of confidence to actually speak to people and have those initial conversations. At first it killed me but I was determined because I had support and now I look back on this year starting out and thank goodness I pushed myself.

It’s important to laugh too in this industry because it can be overwhelming and the subject matter can be gloomy. I laugh about being scared to speak a lot now.


Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?

Two memorable clients – one lady who called just weeks after taking out critical illness cover and it was my first time dealing with this kind of call. I cried all day on and off and just wanted to do anything and everything I could to help her. I’ll never forget that day. It was a turning point for me when I had that huge realisation of what I am actually doing for people here.

I have lots of memorable clients for good reasons, we really do have so many laughs and just try to make it as informal as possible when talking about these things. Belly laughs are important for us in our company.


What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

I would love to be managing my own team and encouraging other young people in and showing them the way, the Velvet way and getting more young people to consider this stuff now.


How would your boss describe you?

Well it’s my mum so this is a funny one. Funny, crazy, knowledgeable, super hardworking and passionate. I really think she would say those things about me and I really do think it’s not just because she’s my mum. In fact, she always says I’m her rock in the business because I care like she does – it still is such a shock for both of us because neither of us foresaw me coming into financial services. I have two sisters and none of us thought of this path.


What’s your biggest talent away from work?

I must admit I am a workaholic but I do love to throw out a tune and people tell me I have a great voice when I dare to sing for them. I make them all look the other way because I get nervous though so it’s like my own version of the voice except I don’t want them to turn around. I used to feature in magazines and on TV when I was younger, I was on the Catherine Tate Christmas Scrooge Show and in Tracy Beaker magazine, that’s my claim to fame.


What mantra do you live by?

What’s for you won’t go past you. Anything you can dream you can have.


What song would you regard as your theme tune?

Leo Sayer – You make me feel like dancing
Tiesto –  Let’s get down to business

We love playing these on our office Alexa to break up the intensity.


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