Introducing… Florence Streames, Velvet

This Mental Health Awareness Week, Health & Protection features Florence Streames, finance assistant at Velvet Mortgage and Insure Services, who speaks about building a career in protection while coping with severe obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), why determination is one of her greatest attributes and why her mum, Lando Norris and the Kardashians rank among her role models.

How did you get your start in the sector?

I left university just over a year ago with severe OCD and I have been really struggling with this. My mum Joanna Streames, who is in the industry and runs the company, was helping me and pushing me to go out and to get help for the OCD.

She took me to a Primis network event and I felt so inspired. So I decided to join the financial services industry under a mortgage apprenticeship scheme.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I enjoy the variety of different people I get to meet and speak to and I also like the way we take care of clients properly, fully and wholeheartedly.

While I’m new to the industry, I have noticed how lots of firms are target-based/commission-based so far to the point that they forget about the clients. But Velvet does not do that and I love that feeling because I have come to realise that I love people.

Who is your role model – in life or in work?

I have a few.

My mum – I have never seen someone work so hard and care about their clients as much as her. I’ve also never met another mother who cares about her children so much.

In September, I went to Dubai and I was supposed to be there for a month but my OCD got really bad there and flared up.

My mum booked me an emergency flight to Rome and she got a flight from London all the way to Rome to collect me and ensure I would be safe in case of any OCD panic attacks.

She works so hard but still ensures she spends quality time with all of her daughters.

I would also say Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner which may seem odd as most people just view them as ‘The Kardashians’ who got famous for nothing.

However, I think it’s amazing and so inspiring how they were an ordinary family who got a break and then they worked so hard to the point that they have multiple multi-million companies/brands like Skims, Kylie Cosmetics and KKW.

Their business etiquette is inspirational to me, especially for entrepreneurs. I’m not a huge fan in that I’ve watched every episode of their shows or anything like that, but their business side really impresses me.

Lando Norris – I think that Lando is a great role model. He worked through formula 4, 3, 2 and got into F1. He works so hard at bettering himself every day in terms of his driving.

What I really think is fantastic, is that while being an F1 driver, which is brutal enough within itself, he’s created a lifestyle and racing brand called Quadrant.

He has created a logo out of his name and racer number, which to me is very clever, and gives good brand recognition and awareness.

And he’s also shown great entrepreneurial spirit at such a young age while being in a savage sports industry.

What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

Don’t think it’s just boring. It can be really fun because you get to build great relationships and have great chats with people every day.

There is a lot of scope for moving up in your career with no limits.

It is really rewarding to help people achieve their goals through getting them the money to buy their property and deal with protecting them and you can have a financially rewarding career as well without the need for university if that’s not for you.

What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

I think my biggest setback was the OCD, in one sense it makes it difficult to work anywhere – I can’t make a drink for my colleagues. I can’t shake clients’ hands. I struggle to go to social/networking events.

But of course, my mum wants to work around this for me and we want to help other companies do the same thing, so more people can be included in the workforce.

There are many things I can do and talking to clients I love as well to help create marketing and processes for our business.

The other thing I would say is, just feeling lost coming in to a new industry and feeling as though you have no clue as to what you’re doing.

To overcome this, I think just doing hands-on research of the industry can be helpful but I also think just throwing yourself in to the work, even if you have to ask lots of questions to your superiors/colleagues.

My mum pointed out that nobody knows about the industry or the job until they are trained and gain experience doing it, so it’s normal.

It’s better to be proactive and inquisitive than to sit there not doing anything because you didn’t ask.

Also meeting people at social events and awards to widen your network and social skills is great and to connect with people in the industry on LinkedIn.

Posting on social media helps too, as you can meet people that way, share new knowledge and info and build your status in the industry.

Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?

Cry – I have had many cases where I’ve heard about people having certain illnesses which have made me want to cry.

When we have taken a call from someone that Velvet has dealt with for years and they’ve been diagnosed with a critical illness, my mum and sister get really sad and usually cry when they’re off the phone, so it automatically makes me sad too.

That’s the worst thing I think, but then they do have cover and services in place, so you feel at least you can help them in some way.

What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

I would like to expand the business by training to do investments and bring that branch into the business in the future.

How would your boss describe you?

She would say I’m cute, clever and kind but also hard work. But then she says it’s the OCD condition that is hard work and isn’t me. She tells me these things all the time, but she is my mum after all.

What’s your biggest talent away from work?

I would say I am very very determined. I like a band called BTS and they’re incredibly hard to get tickets for, but I’ve put my mind to it and seen them five times.

My mum had to travel with me to see them in Las Vegas and South Korea and I couldn’t even get her a ticket so she had to wait outside for me.

I also travel a lot and am determined to grow my social media accounts for my personal interests and passions too – for travelling purposes to give tips and help people because I’ve already travelled a lot and to some more unusual places.

Also, I can dance – I love learning K-pop dances.

What mantra do you live by?

If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

If you pray to God to change something or give you something, he won’t give you it directly – he will give you the opportunities for it, that you have to take.

What song would you regard as your theme tune?

Best day of my life – American Authors

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