Introducing… Kirsten Davies, Cirencester Friendly

Kirsten Davies, marketing executive at Cirencester Friendly, speaks to Health & Protection about taking inspiration from colleague Victoria Clark, seeking out further educational opportunities to further her career and her extensive knowledge of Lord of the Rings and 1980s rock bands. 

How did you get your start in the sector?

I was looking to advance my career within marketing but wanted the chance to gain experience in a new sector.

The position of marketing executive came up at Cirencester Friendly at the beginning of 2023 and it seemed perfect.

Not only had I heard great things about their work culture, but working in financial services, specifically income protection, provided a new challenge for my personal development.

I’ve worked here for nearly a year now and the role is everything I had hoped for.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I love the variety of my day-to-day work and the many opportunities I have to develop my skills.

I can use my background in social media management and copywriting and apply it to a completely new sector, backed by a hugely supportive team who are open to trying new things.

I’m lucky enough to work in an environment where learning and development are encouraged.

Who is your role model – in life or in work?

This is a new one for me, but I would have to say my colleague, Victoria Clark, our senior m marketing executive.

She is held in the highest regard by everyone at Cirencester Friendly and rightfully so.

She’s worked her way up within the organisation, has great relationships with our key stakeholders and is totally dedicated and professional.

Not only that but she’s done an amazing amount of travelling (slightly jealous of that one). I’m lucky to learn and work alongside her.

What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?

Financial services, and specifically the insurance sector, may not look overly glamourous on paper, but there are great opportunities to try something new and be creative.

The audience and platforms may not necessarily be what you’re used to but it’s fun to challenge yourself and explore different ways to get the message across. Just go for it and see where it will take you.

What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

I wasn’t given the chance to interview for an internal role in a previous company as it was felt I didn’t have enough experience. I

knew I had the general know-how and desire for the job, I just didn’t have the qualifications to prove it.

This made me seek out further educational opportunities, which luckily the company made available to me.

I worked hard and always snapped up any internal projects that came up.

I’m proud to say just over a year later, I had another chance to go for that job, which I got, and that was the stepping stone which lead me to where I am now.

Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?

We were recently lucky enough to have one of our members and their family visit our offices.

They have an ongoing claim following an accident that meant they are unable to work and have also received further support from our 125 Foundation.

This additional help has allowed their son to continue doing the sport he loves without putting further strain on the family.

They came in to meet the team who’ve helped them and it was enormously touching to hear their story.

This first-hand connection made me realise just how much Cirencester Friendly can help our members and make such a huge difference. It was lovely and inspiring to see how we really can change lives.

What’s your ultimate goal for your career?

I would love to advance to senior or management level in the future. I know this is likely to be a good few years off yet, but I’m determined to get there so will be taking advantage of any courses, projects and qualifications I can to further my development.

However, wherever my career takes me, I want what I have now, a varied and creative role working with a supportive and friendly team.

How would your boss describe you?

I would like to think hardworking and trustworthy, but secretly they might think of me as that strange Scottish lass who knows too much about Lord of the Rings and 1980s rock bands.

What’s your biggest talent away from work?

I love photography. Any chance to take street photography is a 2024 goal. I’ll be aiming to have more city breaks and a new camera to help with that.

What mantra do you live by?

‘Expect nothing and appreciate everything.’

It reminds me to work hard for the life I want; nothing is handed to you but to also appreciate what I have in the meantime.

What song would you regard as your theme tune?

This is tricky without sounding even more cliché than my last answer, but I would have to say Life is Highway by Rascal Flatts.

It’s one of my husband’s favourite songs and it got us through some challenging times. We always have a listen when we need cheering up.

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