Introducing… Sharon Lamph, RedArc Nurses

Sharon Lamph, personal nurse adviser at RedArc Nurses, on starting a career during a pandemic, the importance of working for a business that cares about you and why her mum is her role model.


How did you get your start in the sector?
My husband, who is also a trained nurse, found the job advertisement and thought it looked interesting and something I would enjoy.


What do you enjoy most about your current role?
Having the time to listen to patients and then provide appropriate support.


Who is your role model – in life or in work?
My mum who is a lovely caring person, she always sees the good in people.


Who has been your most important mentor in your career so far and why?
My husband, as a trained nurse, helped me believe I could be a nurse and that I was good enough to do it.


What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in the sector?
Take the leap, you won’t regret it. Work for a business that cares about you as an employee and where you have the time to care for people.


What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?
I started my new role two weeks before the Covid-19 lockdown so learnt the role at home, but with the help from my wonderful colleagues I got through it.


Laugh or cry – what did your most memorable client or case make you want to do and why?
Cry – I was supporting a lovely young lady who sadly passed away, her mum thanked me for all the support I had given her daughter and sent me pictures of her daughter living her best life, it was a really emotional time.


What’s your ultimate goal for your career?
To enjoy my job and keep getting that job satisfaction knowing I have done my best for my patients.


How would your boss describe you?
Happy, crying and enthusiastic.


What’s your biggest talent away from work?
Completing TV box sets in a day.


What mantra do you live by?
It’s not worth worrying about it, until it happens


What song would you regard as your theme tune?
The Boo Radleys, Wake up it’s a beautiful morning.


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