Keep social media posts simple and consistent to generate leads – Edwards

The key to successfully generating leads from customers on social media is simple, consistent messaging, according to Karla Edwards, principal at The Protection Parent.

Participating in a panel session for Income Protection Awareness Week, Edwards (pictured) revealed that she prefers to keep messaging about income protection (IP) simple as there is “massive” gap in client understanding about the product.

Edwards recommends advisers break down their communications so even a child will be able to understand their social media posts about the product.

She added that while advisers will still attract some questions from confused customers, her success on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Tiktok is down to not making her communications too technical.

“I don’t try to make it technical,” Edwards said.

“I don’t try and go into too much detail. It’s about breaking down something that people are very unaware of and don’t understand. So don’t try and make it any more complicated than you need to.

“Just make it very simple and people will naturally be interested because it’s something they don’t know about.”

But Edwards also pointed out that advisers should not expect instant success when getting the income protection message across on social media.

“You have to be patient with it because everybody thinks you’re going to put one video up about income protection and if they don’t have 10 leads about income protection in their inbox then it’s not worked,” Edwards continued.

“It takes a while and you’ve got to think that if you see someone online, you don’t naturally have that trust with them. So, anyone who is on your social media might look at you and need to see your post eight to 10 times.

“But if you are on about it over and over again continuously in different ways – speaking about different elements of the product, you will eventually get people who will say they would like to look at income protection.

“It takes eight to 10 impressions online for someone to remember who you are, trust and recognise you, and if you’re not prepared to put that amount of effort in then you can’t expect to get loads of leads back,” she added.


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