PMI demand soaring but customers want more add-on and support services – AMII

Demand for private medical insurance (PMI) is soaring among individuals and businesses but customers want more than just their cover, according to Tina Jennings, general secretary of the Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (AMII).

Speaking at Laing Buisson’s private acute care conference, Jennings (pictured) revealed that AMII is constantly collecting data to discover what is happening in the marketplace and has found that while more people are buying private medical insurance, they also want more from add-on services.

“We know the marketplace for the first time has shifted upwards,” Jennings told delegates.

“More and more people are buying private medical insurance – both on an individual and from a corporate perspective and we know the self-pay market has seen a massive increase.”

“I think health and wellbeing has never been more important to each and every one of us and it’s not just a rumour. You’ve just got to look at the numbers and the data shows that’s what’s happening.”

But reflecting on her own experiences, Jennings added customers now want more than private medical insurance, adding she wished she had asked her private healthcare provider about additional services when she was going through the menopause.

“I was thinking insurer when actually what I should be thinking this is about my health and my wellness and do you provide services that speak to all of that, or do you just speak to a part of it?” Jennings added.


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