Royal London launches menu protection tool for advisers

Royal London has launched a protection tool designed to help advisers offer the most suitable menu protection plans for clients.

Advisers can input information about their client including age, salary and whether or not they have children into the new online tool, which then outlines possible cover options.

The results show a menu of cover options based on an estimated cover term, and the likeliness of a client experiencing a life event that one of the suggested covers would pay out on.

The results also show a side-by-side comparison between traditional protection plans and menu plans.

A Royal London spokesperson said this “highlights the benefits of comprehensive, flexible cover through a menu plan which matches their client’s needs, with more opportunities to claim, ensuring they’re protected for multiple life events”.

Ian Smart, product architect at Royal London, said he believes the menu tool makes it easier for advisers to talk to clients about the importance of having the right cover in place.

Smart said: “The tool provides a simple way to show how their client’s risks can be covered with a menu plan, without blowing their budget. Menu plans help to give clients greater peace of mind as they cover a wider range of life shocks, offering protection when it’s needed most.”

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