Santé Group to consolidate brands and launch PMI quotation platform for advisers

The Santé Group is in the process of consolidating its various brands to become known simply as the Santé Group, according to Paul Nugent, founder and CEO. 

It is also set to launch a PMI quotation platform serving intermediary partners and distributors next year. 

“I’ve decided this year that I need to consolidate what I’m doing,” Nugent said outlining the strategy during the Santé Group conference in London. 

“Its going to be one Santé,” he said.  

The Santé Group is an independent broking and underwriting group in the UK, based in Preston. It is primarily involved in the areas of health, wellness, insurance and employee benefits.

The group currently has several different brands under its umbrella.

These include NugentSanté, which offers independent advice on health-related insurance solutions; Santé Life which focuses on life insurance and protection products; Archangel which provides bespoke services and solutions to insurance intermediaries; and Santé Partners, which is a PMI and employee benefits network.

“These brands are great and they will always be there behind the scenes,” Nugent said. 

“But it’s the Santé Group that you’re going to hear from going forward.” 

Santé Group will also be launching a new website in November which will be direct client focused, but will also serve major partners and distributors as well.


Santé Pro

The is Santé Pro service is currently in the development stage. The PMI quotation platform is being developed for PMI intermediaries and will have a launch date of January 2024, Nugent told the conference.

“What it does is compare quotes,” Nugent said. 

“It compares consumer quotations removing the need for intermediaries to go on everybody’s website and draw down the quotes to be compliant. 

“The only insurer we haven’t got on it is Bupa, but they’re coming on in the new year.”


Affinity groups

Meanwhile, the Santé Group has also identified affinity groups as a major new market for the year ahead. 

“One big market for growth will be affinity groups, where people pay a subscription to belong to a group,” Nugent said. 

Affinity groups have members that pay a subscription, and one group could have thousands of people, Nugent added.

“Its really a big market and obviously affinity groups are all individuals and they all need health insurance and life insurance. 

“So that’s going to be, I think next year, one of our big, big revenue earners.” 

Nugent concluded: “The market is thriving. There’s never been so much opportunity. Insurance premiums are on the up all the time in every respect.”


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