Understand the features and limitations of mental health services – Husbands

by Christine Husbands, managing director of RedArc

According to mental health charity Mind, the UK is in the grip of a mental health emergency.

However, the term mental health is very wide ranging, covering anything from mild anxiety or low mood through to severe and enduring conditions, such as severe depression, trauma and psychiatric disorders.

Support services are available via insurance products, employee benefits and other sources, but the content of these varies enormously.

Therefore, I would urge those purchasing mental health support services to look carefully at the detail and ensure they are comfortable with any limitations.


Key elements


The fall-out

Sadly, we hear about many people who cannot get support from mental health support services. Their condition may be excluded or the triaging professional may judge that the number or type of therapy available would not be beneficial and possibly detrimental, and others reach the end of the available therapy before they have fully recovered.

For this population, who need help the most, the next step could potentially be a significant wait time on the NHS, which is likely to be extremely detrimental and potentially dangerous.


Caveat Emptor

The selection of a mental health support service for customers, employees or members in many situations is really a case of let the buyer beware.

It is easy to adopt a service without taking the time to appreciate any limitations and then find that unfortunately it has been ineffective.

An effective mental health support service should encompass the full spectrum, from mild through to severe and enduring mental health conditions, and offer long-term support when it’s needed.


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