Breast cancer tops women’s claims with skin and prostate for men – Vitality

Breast cancer was the most common cancer type affecting Vitality’s female health claimants in 2023.

For men it was skin and prostate cancer.

The insurer’s claims data shows breast cancer made up 49% of claims among women all ages and was also the most common cancer for women over 30, followed by skin cancer (21%), and bowel cancer (6%). For women under the age of 29 however, the most common cancer was for skin, making up just over a quarter of claims (26%), followed by lymphoma (18%).

Among men prostate (28%) and skin (28%) were the most common types of cancer. Prostate cancer was particularly prevalent for men over 60, making up 75% of their cancer claims. However, for those under 30 the most common cancers were haematological (25%), skin (23%) and lymphoma (21%).

Vitality also announced positive results following the introduction of its cancer support programme back in 2022 which sees members undergoing chemotherapy benefit from specialist-dedicated case management and tailored lifestyle coaching, helping them to manage treatment side effects, nutrition and rehabilitation via an app.

The data showed Vitality members enrolled on the programme between 2023 and 2024, saw a 30% higher activity level measured through step count, alongside a 32% reduction in reported levels of stress and anxiety and a 12% improvement in quality of life.

Keith Klintworth, managing director of Vitality Health, (pictured) said “Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be absolutely devastating, but having the right kind of clinical treatment and care in place is invaluable, as too is taking a holistic view following diagnosis, to ensure the person has the right physical and mental health support in place for them.

“We know that the benefits of physical activity for our mind and body are important, and we consistently see how strong the evidence is around the positive impact of engaging in healthy habits.

“The data we have released today highlights how important leading an active and healthy life is for people with cancer.”

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